IT Security and Management

IT Security and Management

The continuous evolution of cybercrime has made security one of the main concerns for companies of all sizes. This imposes the need to be efficient in monitoring, prevention, and timely reaction to any threats that may affect business IT systems.

The issue of security in IT systems is a top priority. Our proactive approach is based on a framework that ensures that every company can concentrate its resources on business and delegate to a team of experts the definition of action plans and the management of cybersecurity services aimed at protecting users, applications and terminals, infrastructure, and data.

Where the company does not have qualified resources to meet these needs, we offer solutions to leverage a cloud-based approach and facilitate the implementation of complex security solutions, such as security assessments, IT audits, threat protection, disaster recovery, business continuity, and ethical hacking.


  • Firewall Management
  • IDS Management
  • Centralized Antivirus
  • Antispam
  • Content Filtering
  • Security Operation
  • Network Hardening
  • Vulnerability Management
  • Risk Assessment
  • OWASP ​
  • Prevention and Detection of Data Breaches
  • Damage Containment

Security Operation Center

A team of security professionals are responsible for selecting, managing, and maintaining the cybersecurity technologies and monitoring the entire IT infrastructure of a company, in order to detect any potential security threats in real time and address them as quickly and effectively as possible.

A SOC enables companies to unify and coordinate their security tools and practices, responding effectively to security incidents and helping them comply with privacy regulations in their industry, as well as national and global regulations.


Security Operation Center

A team of security professionals are responsible for selecting, managing, and maintaining the cybersecurity technologies and monitoring the entire IT infrastructure of a company, in order to detect any potential security threats in real time and address them as quickly and effectively as possible.

A SOC enables companies to unify and coordinate their security tools and practices, responding effectively to security incidents and helping them comply with privacy regulations in their industry, as well as national and global regulations.


System Management,
Network Management
e Security Operation Center

Con l’evoluzione pervasiva dei servizi online il tema della gestione dell’operatività e della sicurezza è divenuto primario per conformarsi agli standard previsti dalle normative vigenti e per preservare l’integrità e la riservatezza dei dati aziendali. Le minacce sono continue e in evoluzione costante: per questo è fondamentale affidare la


continuità dei servizi a una struttura dedicata solida e competente. Mare Digital gestisce con esperienza decennale i dati e i servizi online di aziende, istituzioni ed organizzazioni e garantisce i più elevanti standard industriali del settore.


  • Firewall Management
  • IDS Management
  • Antivirus Centralizzato
  • Antispam
  • Content Filtering
  • Security Operation


  • Network Hardening
  • Vulnerability Management
  • Risk Assessment
  • OWASP ​
  • Prevenzione e Rilevamento Data Breach​​
  • Contenimento Danni​​

System Management, Network Management
e Security Operation Center

Con l’evoluzione pervasiva dei servizi online il tema della gestione dell’operatività e della sicurezza è divenuto primario per conformarsi agli standard previsti dalle normative vigenti e per preservare l’integrità e la riservatezza dei dati aziendali. Le minacce sono continue e in evoluzione costante: per questo è fondamentale affidare la protezione dei dati e la continuità dei servizi a una struttura dedicata solida e competente.  
Mare Digital gestisce con esperienza decennale i dati e i servizi online di aziende, istituzioni ed organizzazioni e garantisce i più elevanti standard industriali del settore.


  • Firewall Management
  • IDS Management
  • Antivirus Centralizzato
  • Antispam
  • Content Filtering
  • Security Operation


  • Network Hardening
  • Vulnerability Management
  • Risk Assessment
  • OWASP ​
  • Prevenzione e Rilevamento Data Breach​​
  • Contenimento Danni​​

Contact us

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Mare Digital combines twenty years of experience and multi-award-winning technology in a dynamic team of competent, passionate, and motivated individuals. Whether it’s products, customized projects, commissioned development, or managed services, Mare Digital focuses on objectives, making technology an opportunity and never a constraint.


